Friday, August 27, 2010

My Name Means Love

Ok, as promised, here is another budding composer from the University of the Philippines Mindanao. Psalm John Galope is the "prodigal son" of the Koro Katingugan, once took a break and now back to the business (I suppose). I could see his potential as we are in one section, Tenor (he sings the T1 part, the higher tenor, and mine is the T2 or lower tenor part).

As for the video, he says it is dedicated for "someone". Haha. A very expressive guy. Well, just watch the video and enjoy! KUDOS PSALM!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This should be another song of Shirley Anne Mendoza I am trying to upload for all to hear. She records most of her songs kasi, and she is approachable in this terms. haha. I also have two more budding composers coming up on my next blog, maybe (crossing fingers). But just wait, I'll be asking for their copywrite permissions sooner. XD

But for the meantime, here's Anne with her newest song, The Boy, este! U-Turn! haha. We listened at this song when she said she had a new song and then we recorded some parts. And now at last, she posted this on facebook. We like the song because of its sweet lyrics and catchy beat. Just listen to it. Go for it Anne! =)